In Egypt: Man kills underage wife over Pasta


Published: 2024-08-15 22:11

Last Updated: 2024-08-15 22:26

In Egypt: Man kills underage wife over Pasta
In Egypt: Man kills underage wife over Pasta

A horrific crime took place in Egypt's Gharbia Governorate, where an underaged wife lost her life at the hands of her husband following a dispute over a plate of pasta.

The Gharbia Security Directorate received a report from the Kafr El Zayat Police Station about the death of a housewife who fell from the roof of her home in the village of Kafr Yacoub.

In statements to Egyptian media, the victim's mother revealed that her daughter had been subjected to continuous abuse by her husband and his family members.

She mentioned receiving a phone call from her daughter just minutes before her death, in which the daughter explained that she had been beaten again for eating a plate of pasta in her husband's absence.

The mother explained that her daughter was hungry while her husband was away, so she ate the pasta. Upon his return, the husband beat her and burned her body with an iron.

The mother added that she refused to intervene to save her daughter out of fear of being beaten herself.

Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctor reported that the victim had been struck on the head with a stick, and her body bore marks from the iron burns.

A security force from the criminal investigations department responded to the scene, confirming through preliminary investigations and inspections that the wife died after being severely beaten by her husband.

The Kafr El Zayat Prosecutor's Office has ordered the husband to be detained for four days pending further investigation.